Mar 28, 2009

Sleeping baby

Connor was so tuckered out after his birthday party. We had it in Feb because his birthday is two days before Christmas and everyone was busy. Connor new the party was for him, so he of course, started to show off. He was giggling and playing with everyone. He is such a flirt and loves the ladies!! After all the showing off he got tired and fell asleep in his playpen.

Mar 26, 2009

Big Foot!!

This is me and Trevor with Big Foot. Pretty cool huh. We encountered this wild beast in Jackson, WY in one of the tourist shops. Every year we go to Jackson in June for the car show that my dad and now my little brother participate in. We stay a couple nights at a motel and always go shopping. Every year we have to stop at this store and see Big Foot. This is two years ago, I was just barely pregnant and I didn't know it until a few days after the trip.

My job

I told you all earlier that I now work from home as a freelance writer. Well basically what I do is write article content needed for search engines on the internet. I have an employer that gives me assignments everyday and I complete them and email them back to him. Once he gets my articles he publishes them on google or other search engines. It is really fun because I love to write and this way my stuff gets published and I am paid handsomely for it. Ever since I was little I loved to write, now I can for money!!!
I am also working on a novel about the Salem Witch Trials. It is going to be a fiction book based on non fiction events. Right now I am in the research stage and I am learning a lot about it. After I finish writing it I hope to get it published. Keep an eye out for "Teisha Hall, the author" wouldn't that be cool?

Mar 25, 2009

Me and Trev

This picture was taken by Roger, Trevor's dad when he was here two years ago.

Daddy's car

Ok, so my family is really into restoring old cars and putting them in car shows, and when I say really into it, I mean REALLY into it. My daddy has a 1968 Camero that has already won many awards at various car shows. He says he wants to be buried in it when he dies but my brothers are already fighting over who is going to get it. Connor is the first grandson and I think my dad will leave it to him, but I don't want to think about my daddy dying.... This is the picture of the Camero at a car show in Jackson WY.

This is us in San Diego, again.... I really like it there. It is like a big resort town where everyone is very easy going. Things are a bit more pricey than in Idaho though.

Shopping Time!

If I look a little fat in this picture, it is because I was pregnant at the time. We went shopping on this day and I bought, of course, a new purse, and new clothes.


Before Connor, we had Betty, yes she is a cat, but we love her anyway. These are some pictures of her when she is up to her regular shenanagians.

Sexy Surfer

Yes, I married a surfer dude from California. This is Trevor on our last trip to California, I was pregnant and at my father in laws house at the time of this picture. Isn't he cute?

Our first Christmas

This is our very first christmas tree, we still have it but we have a
bunch more decorations for it now.

Connor's blessing

we were not able to have Connor blessed until he was five months old because he was at such a high risk for RSV which can be deadly to preemies. We had him blessed at grandma Welch's house.

Preemie Connor

These are pictures taken of Connor when he was just a few weeks old. He was still in the NICU and we could only hold him for a small amount of time. He basically lived inside a little incubater with tubes inside his nose and an IV in his foot or his head. I got to see him twice a day for a total of about four hours. He was in the NICU for five weeks, it seemed liked the longest time of our lives.

San Diego

This is me and Trevor during the first year of our marriage. We were in San Diego visiting his dad. This was the first time I ever rode on an air plane and the first time I saw the ocean. It was beautiful!

Connor and his pal Devon

This is Connor and Devon at Leo's Place in I.F. They were playing on a truck and boy did they both look cute!!

Connors first steps

Connor finally took his first steps today! Just two steps and he fell down, but that is a start. He walks all the time with his toy that he can hold on to and push at the same time, but only today did he walk all by himself. He is still a little behind because he was premature but he is catching up.

Mar 24, 2009

Our One eyed cat Betty

We saved this cat when she was a baby, she had an infected eye and couldn't eat. She was slowly dying so we took her to the vet. They took out her eye because it had a tumor behind it. Once her eye was out she began to eat again and gained a lot of weight. She is a healthy happy cat now and she and Connor get along great.

Mar 23, 2009


This is Connor after he woke up one morning, he is always so happy and in a good mood. He loves to play with his firetruck and loves toys that make noises and flashing lights.

Since graduation

Just before I graduated I started working at Toys R Us and met an incredible man named Trevor Hall. He plays the guitar, sings, and is very good looking. The perfect man for me! We soon started dating and fell in love very quickly. Trevor proposed to me after about three weeks of dating. It was very fast because once we met, we knew we were destined to be together. We got married on February 12, 2005. I quit Toys R Us and so did he, he started working at the warehouse for Melaleuca and I worked at Smitty's as a hostess. After that I started working at the call center at Melaleuca in the collections department. In June of 2007 we found out that we were pregnant and we were so happy! Our baby was supposed to be born on Feb 18th of 2008 but he came early. Connor Michael Hall was born on December 23, 2007 at 4 pounds 11 oz. He stayed in the NICU for over a month and then we took him home. Right after he was born I almost bled to death and had to have a blood transfusion. We both did okay and are having a wonderful life. Trevor now works for Qwest and is going to school at ISU and trying to get his bachelors in Biomedical Engineering. I am a stay at home mom and a freelance writer. Connor is 1 now and talking and trying to walk. Trevor got baptized into the LDS church shortly after we were married and we are currently working towards getting sealed in the Temple.