Nov 2, 2009

Nov 1, 2009

Our life as of late

So I don't have any pictures right now cuz I don't feel like downloading them just yet but I can tell you what has been goin on in the world of Hall these past few months. Trevor has been working at Idaho Central Credit Union and loves it; he is making good money there and we are just waiting for it to become full time so he can quit Apple. Once he quits apple he will get to be home more often. Right now he works the day at ICCU and the nights (until about 1:30 am) at Apple. It really sucks right now cuz of course I miss him. Connor is talking more and more he says the funniest things like the other night I asked him if it was time for bed and he said "you go bed!" Trevor told him to go play with his toys and he proceeded to tell him that he wanted new toys. He is so funny! He has also been pretty sick lately and so has Trevor. Trev has has strep throat for about three weeks now and Connor has had a fever off and on and isn't sleeping or eating well. :0( I hate when my babies are sick!
I'm really excited for New Moon to come out and have reread the entire Twilight series over again. Right now I am in the middle of To Kill a Mocking bird and I am really enjoying it.
For Halloween Connor was Superman of course (with a comic book nerd for a father he couldn't have been anything else) and he was super cute. I will put up some pictures later of him. He would run around and wave his arms around so that his cape would rustle.
I am really happy right now, I have a great family that loves and supports me and a super awesome husband that loves me and takes care of me!