Jun 17, 2009

Family life

Sometimes when I am tending to Connor I will stop and think "wow, I'm a mom" it still hits me funny sometimes because it doesn't seem real. I remember when I was little and I had a baby doll. I took that thing every where. My dad even made it a high chair so it could sit with us at dinner time. I would give it a bath, nurse it back to health, and change its diaper. I loved doing that and ever since then all I wanted was to be a mom. Now I am and it is everything I ever hoped for. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is a huge struggle; a few days ago I had to take Connor to the hospital because he kept getting weird rashes all over himself. We waited in the hospital forever and Connor was tired and wouldn't hold still. He wanted to walk everywhere, first out of the room, then to the nurses station and then he found a wheel chair that he had to play with. When I picked him up he would throw a huge fit. The doctor finally saw us and decided that he was just getting some hives, they could be from an allergic reaction or because he has sensitive skin. So I get to pay a huge bill for nothing basically but that's life.
Since we have been tight on money we haven't been able to go do anything, usually we go on a "date" at least once a month with just me and Trevor but we can't cuz there isn't any funds. Thats okay though but I feel that I need a break from Connor sometimes. I know that sounds horrible but it's nice to just have some me time... I guess that's why I stay up so late. I love being a mom and a wife its the best!!

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