Jun 10, 2009

Free time

Connor is taking a nap right now so I have a lot of free time. I guess I could talk about some of my hobbies. I really like to crochet. I have made a lot of things including afghans, pot holders, dish towels, baby clothes, baby blankets, and a bunch of other stuff. I have been crocheting since I was nine and I love it. It's fun to make things for other people because they usually appreciate it more when you make it versus buying the gift, plus I have fun making it. Another one of my hobbies is of course, blogging. I blog almost everyday when Connor goes down for a nap and I am always changing my page. Since I am a stay at home mom I don't get out of the house much so when I am home and the house is clean I also like to draw. I was in the art club for a while when I was in high school and that was fun also. Well, those are my hobbies, my life sounds a little boring but with Connor in it it is anything but.

1 comment:

  1. hey teisha! of course i remember you! thanks for checking out my blog! looks like you have a cute family! if i lived near my parents i would totally have them watch jonas so my husband and i could go out! it'd be fun. unfortunately, it's hard to find a babysitter and it's actually kinda expensive!
    that is cool you crochet! i embroider and i love it!
